Executive Board 2024-2025
The role of the executive board is to preserve the stability of MAPS as an organization and as a family. Officers oversee events and make sure that the club is functioning properly and giving members the best opportunities available. Feel free to approach any member of the executive board with any comments or questions you may have!
Executive Board 2024-2025
The role of the executive board is to preserve the stability of MAPS as an organization and as a family. Officers oversee events and make sure that the club is functioning properly and giving members the best opportunities available. Feel free to approach any member of the executive board with any comments or questions you may have!
Jordan McIntyre
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Hey! I’m Jordan, and I am honored to be serving as your MAPS President this year! When I’m not shadowing or doing school work, I’m all about playing my violin, exploring diverse cultures (mainly their food) and nature, as well as connecting with new people. Whether it’s working on new melodies or mastering a concept in chemistry, I have always been fueled by a curiosity and passion for embracing life’s variety. I can’t wait to welcome you into our MAPS family and create unforgettable memories during our time at UCF. If you have any questions about different specialties, music, or anything really feel free to reach out. You can often spot me at BHC or the Library. Let’s embark on this exciting journey that is Pre-Health together! :)
Email: maps.president@gmail.com
Lina Saint-Hilaire
Major: Health Sciences
Hello! My name is Lina, and I am excited to serve as your MAPS Treasurer this year. I grew up in Italy and Germany and later moved to the United States in 2015. My childhood was marked by many hospitalizations at the Bambino Gesu pediatric hospitals in Rome due to my frequent contractions of the flu and asthma. These experiences drew me to medicine, and I deeply admire the doctors who cared for me. I am currently interested in becoming a radiologist. During my free time, I enjoy playing the classical guitar and going to events on campus. I encourage you to find new interests and opportunities through the many RSOs that are offered on campus. MAPS is an RSO that aims to increase the diversity of healthcare professionals across various specialties by providing students with valuable resources and certificate courses that can help you stand out as an applicant for graduate school. We look forward to hosting many workshops and certificate courses this year, and hope to see you there. Feel free to reach out with any questions you have!
Email: maps.treasurer@gmail.com
vp of communications
Katya Gayed
Major: Health Sciences
Outside of school, I greatly enjoy hanging out with my friends and pursuing more creative endeavors such as crocheting and dancing. I’ve recently picked up crocheting as a way to better my hand skills, essential for my goal of becoming a dentist. I used to be very indecisive of what field in healthcare I wanted to go into, but through MAPS I was able to explore all fields and meet all types of people that allowed me to find out what I really want to do! MAPS has given me great experiences and I hope we can impart those experiences to you!
Email: maps.vpcommunications@gmail.com
Lucas Bizuti
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Hello everyone, my name is Lucas Bizuti and I'm originally from Brazil! I'm a junior majoring in biomedical sciences and I'm very excited to be serving MAPS as the secretary for the 2024-2025 school year! Some of my hobbies are to play soccer and volleyball with my brother, play videogames and spend quality time with my family. My goal for the future is to go to medical school. MAPS has helped me to make new friends, new connections and most import of all, stay motivated towards my end goal while also having fun in college! The journey to become a health professional is not easy and you may encounter several difficulties, but with a network of support you can do it!
Welcome to MAPS!
Email: maps.secretaryucf@gmail.com
VP of operations
Siva Annamalai
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Hey everyone! Some of my hobbies include spending time with friends and family, binge watching TV shows, and trying different kinds of food! Outside of coursework, I spend my time involved in immunology research, pulmonary clinical research, teaching Taekwondo, as a Medical Assistant, and more. Currently, I am not sure which specialty I am most interested in pursuing as a career, but I am open to all possibilities. The ample opportunities and speakers that MAPS provide will help me make a well-informed decision! I’m looking forward to a great year with you all, and hope that we can all rely on each other for support through our pre-health journeys!
Email: maps.vpoperations@gmail.com
Diego Bodden
Major: Health Sciences
My name is Diego and happy to serve as your Sergeant at Arms this year. Having a balance between school and life is super important to me. So I like to play video games, volunteer, paint and sometimes rock climb as well. You may see me around in campus with different clubs and organizations and maybe even as your Anatomy SI Leader. My future career goal is to become a general dentist and become more involved in the public health scene. Providing care to those who are uninsured and bringing a different meaning to patients about what Dentistry stands for is my goal. MAPS is a great supportive environment and gives so many opportunities to grow as an undergraduate student. Make sure create connections with your family here at MAPS! We are here to support all of you through your pre-health journey! See you at our events!
Email: maps.sergeantatarms@gmail.com